Thursday, 13 December 2018

The Joy of Running ;-)

One of the fantastic photos by Shona Bradley - we are both smiling!

Wow, the weather has changed a bit since my last blog post about swimming 
the dog due to the heat we experienced this summer! It's currently threatening to snow and we are firmly into two layer territory!

I take sprint finishes seriously!
100km ride on the Isle of Wight

Last Autumn, I mentioned my forays into the world of century riding with my Velo Birmingham 100 mile sportive experience.  I did the ride on behalf of Totally Active Magazine and my article has been featured in this months digital edition which you can read here.  I actually quite enjoyed reading it back having forgotten much of the detail I recalled in the article.  This year has been very different in terms of my cycling efforts.  My longest ride was the 60 mile circumnavigation of the Isle of Wight on our summer holiday, and I found that tough!  The main reason for my lack of road (and MTB) miles is my return from a hip injury back into running.  

After the school holidays, I started up my RunTogether groups again with my Monday 10km improvers - which continues to be popular and a Thursday 0-5km group for beginners.  Most of the ladies who have started with me over the past couple of years have continued to run and some have progressed to the 10km group - I love leading them and continuing to encourage new people to take up running.  

My own running has been mixed this year.  I started off well with the Whitehall Wiggle, Herod Farm fell race, Rainow 5 and Shining Tor but it was at the Lantern Pike Dash - a brutal 1.2 mile up and back  race, where I injured my calf.  I then missed a load of planned races over the next couple of months and stuck to strengthening through pilates, swimming and walking the dog.  I just managed to do enough fell races to qualify for the Goyt Valley Striders (GVS) fell series and have secured 2nd overall in the ladies championship so that was a positive.  

In September, Aggie (my vizsla dog) turned 1 and I started to run properly with her, including in harness canicross style (canicross is trail running with the dog attached to you via a harness).  She is quite a natural puller so this has been a relatively easy process, including teaching her directional commands and 'LEAVE IT' when she spots a wayward squirrel!  Since then I have got her to around 12km and we are beginning to work well as a team.  I am yet to fall on my arse but expect it every run!  My long term plans are to become a canicross leader and possibly to start a High Peak running group for canicrossers.  In the spring I am going to a cani-fit course to be trained in all things canicross so watch this space!

10km Group at Windgather Rocks
Stretching after a Monday run
Another new sport I have taken up is boxing!  In September I went to a local boxing class (Smurfitness) which includes conditioning exercises and Hatton Academy boxing technique and sparring.  I started going in an attempt to strengthen my pathetically weak core and improve my arm muscle tone.  I was dubious at first (I thought I would hit like a girl! - it turns out I do - a bloody tough one!) but I absolutely love it! Apart from the teething problems of not being able to walk or sit down properly for 5 days after the first class, I have continued to go and it has made a big difference to my strength and confidence.  It's a brilliant and cathartic way to burn calories!

Jingle Jog ready!
As far as form and PBs go, I have managed to get within a minute of my 5km PB with a 21:59 at the SEMMS relief road race (this is not official as it was an inaccurately measured race, I clocked my 5km time on my Garmin), but I did manage a 22:08 at Clumber parkrun so I am there or thereabouts.  I trained for weeks for the Wilmslow 10km and managed a new PB in training of 45:34 but my daughter was ill on race day so I have yet to make the official 45 minute 10km target.  My most recent race was the Jingle bell Jog for Blythe House Hospice - I was 1st lady overall and 2nd person over the line so that was a boost although it wasn't really a race. 

My future aims are the 2019 Goyt Valley Striders Championship, there are lots of interesting races to enter, and to take part in some canicross races. I have had a photo shoot with my friend Shona in preparation for writing about my canicross adventures, I am so pleased with the photos!  

I think that's all for now!  If you want any advice on running or canicross please drop me a message!

Happy Running!