Since sharing I've discovered that I've had friends who have had their gait assessed, started the Couch to 5k and my Auntie has done her first parkrun! Others have said they feel like starting running again, which is all amazing and totally the response was hoping for!
Last week, I had an accident which, by now, everyone who knows me knows about, and it's made me realise that, although all this stuff is amazing and healthy, we are all mere mortals who need to look after ourselves! - And hurting yourself is an absolute pain in the arse! (though not literally, I didn't actually hurt that!).
Obviously, when pushing yourself it is always going to hurt at times (no pain no gain) and there will be injuries and aches and pains - I am the first to have a week off when I get a cold or if I feel tired, I do tend to be good at listening to my body. Last summer, I got a terrible throat infection - which is still plaguing me now, and I had weeks off with it.
I was entered for the Langsett 10k trail (although sounded more fell) race last Sunday but I withdrew. Although I had been out on my MTB as a confidence building exercise two days after my crash, I just felt that I wasn't up to it. My leg is still bruised and swollen, and my back has started to ache (I wondered when that might happen as I thought I'd got away with it!). So Sunday was a down day, although I did manage a steady and careful 5k training run :-) (When you start running and enjoying it you will understand the need to get out, I promise!).
Looking forwards at my training schedule, I don't have any races until the 10th April when I will be competing in the Thomas Theyer Fell Race. It's not a championship race or anything, but its a fab route and a great cause - If you would like to sponsor me please follow this link.
So now my aims are to get back out on my road bike, do some more confidence building MTB rides with my girl friends and up my running mileage gradually as my body recovers. I'd like to be getting 2-3 runs a week in but with 2 bikes I am going to have to pick and mix a bit!
Looking further forward I have enquired about getting some swim stroke lessons in preparation for my first triathlon in July, so that will be beneficial to my fitness too.
Very excitingly, I have managed to secure some products to test and tell you about, so look out for more details very soon!
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